A few days ago I caught wind of the #BringYourBuild competition being run by Maplin here in the UK. This was to celebrate the 11th burthday of the Arduino platform. All you needed was to submit an Arduino based project, either via social media or (preferably) in store. Continue reading
Category Archives: Projects
ISS Tracker
The blame for this little project can be firmly placed at the door of @SouthendRPiJams (aka Andy) after I signed up to be an Exhibitor at the Southend Raspberry Jam on 21st Feb. He dropped me a DM and the conversation went like this
Me Arm and Me Raspberry Pi
What is it?
The MeArm has been developed by Ben Gray (aka @phenoptix) and is a laser cut, build it yourself, robotic arm controlled by 4 servos. Once built, just add a controller of some description (micro controller/Arduino, Pi, Beaglebone Black, etc) and drive the servos to move the arm around. You can find out more from Indestructibles article. Mine was purchased from 4tronix. Continue reading
OK, so not quite the Sheldon Virtual Presence Device from Big Bang Theory but who knows…. maybe my next version?
I have had various bits of robots floating around for a while now and never actually pulled them all together. I’ve made both a Scratch, and a PS3 controlled, Pibrella powered bot which I must blog about one of these days. I also built one from LEGO motors and a SN754410 H-bridge a year or two back, but the motors were old (20+ years) and it didn’t get far. Continue reading
Inventing with the IoT – Extension Task
If you have not read Inventing with the IoT – Workshop go do so first, otherwise this will make less sense than usual!
As I said in my previous post, I never actually worked with the IoT code before the workshop, so I downloaded it and combined it with my PiDuino code from earlier this week. As a result I have an Internet of Things NeoPixel ring.